Tired of Bad Dates? Take a look at this Date From Hell Story!


I exchanged a few messages with a "man" on one of the dating sites. We seemed to have fairly decent chemistry so I exchanged phone numbers with him. We talked on the phone and decided to meet for lunch one day. We had a decent time at lunch and parted ways. We texted each other often and kept in contact.

Due to my schedule I was unable to arrange further dates immediately. I was able to free up some time and we agreed to meet up for lunch again. Both dates ended with some kissing. He was a nice kisser. His texts then started to become more sexual. I am very open and very comfortable about my sexuality. Apparently, being open and comfortable with your sexuality is a cue to this "man" that he can easily obtain you.

A few days ago, I received a text asking when we could get together for some "alone time". I told him that my free time was already booked for the next week. It is in short supply and things were planned well before I met him. He became whiny saying that he wanted me to fit him in before he started dating someone else. I told him to feel free to date. I was already dating others when I met him (I told him this before we ever agreed to meet). I wasn't breaking it off with any of them. Then he had the nerve to text me that he wanted to "get to hit that" before he found someone else....

I told him to lose my number.

This date from hell story was submitted by:  Shannon from Seattle

Dr. Gooddate's response:

Thanks for the story, Shannon.

I'm not at all surprised at the behavior of this guy.  Unfortunately, there is a very large percentage of men online who say they're looking for Ms. Right, but they would just as soon settle for Ms. Put-Out-On-The-First-Date.

Men are visual creatures first:  I discuss this here.  Secondly, too many men in the world of internet dating say the right things and say everything you want to hear, just for a possible romp in the sack.  This does not mean that all men do this.  But from some of the numbers I have seen, and many of the stories I have heard - the number is actually quite staggering - and if you're actively dating online, you have probably encountered more than one man who started the "playful" chit chat very early on.  This is a bad sign.

You laid your cards on the table early on and made your situation clear.  This guy is looking for a f***buddy or FWB (friends with benefits), and that's where it ends.

You made the right move.  Now you can find someone who is just as concerned about getting to know you, as he is about getting to know your body parts. 

PS:  I'm still giggling about his subtle "alone time" approach.  At least he tried a more romantic approach at first. The only problem was that his true colors quickly emerged!

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